Sunday, May 1, 2011

Works in Progress

Why, hello there! We are quite excited about a few projects we have going on around the house. Of course, I am quite busy myself learning how to sit up, and grab toys (and K's hair!), say "dada" constantly (of course) and eat mushy stuff, but I am not the only one with a lot on my plate. Check it out:

Our garden is looking very nice, with okra, zucchini ("baby marrow" here), eggplant, onions, tomatoes, strawberries and possibly a few other odds and ends. Everything is out of the ground, and most of the stuff is just starting to flower, so in a few more weeks we should have tons of yummy stuff to eat! Since only one person in this household is civilized enough to enjoy the wonder that is fresh tomatoes (cough cough, C and K you are both just wrong on this issue, and T is too little to have formed an opinion yet) she is going to have to figure out a good tomato sauce to make and freeze in bulk.

This is the much more elaborate project: the playhouse. Yes, that is a two story playhouse, and yes, it may have gotten a bit out of hand, but it is going to be really cool when it is done.

The frame and walls are all done, so next week the carpenter will cut in the windows, add the doors, and do the railing on the second story (it has a balcony of sorts on the front. He also has to do the ladder (no interior stairs) and put on the roof. With a little luck it will be done this week. There are a couple of big garage sales coming up both at the embassy and the school so hopefully I will be able to find some fun stuff, like little furniture and maybe a kitchen set, to put in the playhouse once it is done.

Finally, our lemon trees are continuing to produce like crazy so we are putting K to work picking fruit.

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