Sunday, October 2, 2011

Under the Weather

We have all been felled by some sort of nasty stomach bug so all of our fun and exciting weekend plans devolved into watching many many movies and C and I tag teaming watching the kids while the other one napped. Because while both K and T were also sick, they weren't lounge quietly on the couch and do nothing sick. Oh no, they were we feel great and are going 100% during the day but we will puke repeatedly all night long sick. Awesome! How do little kids manage to only puke at night? Though I am not being totally fair. K did manage to vomit all over C once during the day without any forewarning whatsoever. It was pretty amazing. A nice flashback to his fraternity days, I am sure. At any rate, we seem to be on the mend and ready to face the week, though I am mourning the loss of my weekend.

T figured out how to get into the little red car and, of course, K started pushing her around.

I kept saying, "slow down!" and K kept responding, "but she likes it!" Well, yes... but still, slow down!

K helping to water the grass.

Yup, that is an efficient way to water the lawn.

Happy baby!

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