Sunday, April 1, 2012

This and that

We survived a rather hectic week with C traveling back in the states and me hanging out here with the girls on my own. You will notice that the photo array is a bit T heavy this week in large part because some children deal better than others with their father being out of town. Certain children, whose name I will not mention, left their listening ears at the airport when we dropped off C and have been more or less insufferable all week long. Lucky me! Other children have continued to be pleasant and charming, perhaps even increasingly so, and thus presented several opportunities for photography.

The other thing that apparently happens when C travels, in additional to K's head exploding into a million pieces, is that I impulse buy very, very large carved wooden hippos, so I am pleased to introduce Cleopatra, the newest addition to our family.

The weather here has been rather schizophrenic. We should be gently transitioning from rainy and hot to cool and dry but we are still getting sporadic rains including thunderstorms and have been having dramatic temperature changes requiring frequent sartorial corrections in order to adapt.

My frustrations with the utter and complete inefficiencies of pretty much all local entities were further increased this week when I was attempting to organize a program. Despite having initially contacted the organization involved well over three weeks prior to the event and having hand delivered the requisite formal letter (with 20 copies to be given to all of the other folks involved as there is no way they an actually make their own copies) we still found ourselves scurrying around two days before the event dealing with people claiming they had no idea what was going on. So, yet again, what should have been an easy, plug and play activity ended up sucking enormous amounts of time and energy. I have been taking all of this frustration out on my poor cuticles and fingernails which is a totally disgusting habit which I want to break so now, for the first time in ages, I have actually painted my fingernails. We shall see if this helps or if I just end up with scraggly, ugly, painted fingers, rather than scraggly, ugly, naked fingers.

Next week is yet another school break. How many breaks do these kids need, really? It is also coming in the wake of Wednesday being a day off for student led conferences. Why on earth does my almost 4-year old need to "lead" a conference? I don't know and I continue to think it is one of the more silly things that this admittedly overly touchy-feely, Kumbaya-ie school does. In essence, I spent 45 minutes playing with K in her classroom, including dressing up as a duck, reading several books and looking at the epic portfolios they create for all of the children. While I do appreciate seeing how her projects have developed over the course of the year (look! people have discernible facial features and limbs now whereas the were mere blobs of color at the start of the year) I am not convinced that I really need a 4 inch thick portfolio of exemplars to get the point.

That is about all. We all survived the week and C gets back and we start all over again tomorrow. Thank goodness we have Friday off and then are going away for a little much deserved quality safari time next week.

This is now what happens more or less whenever you point a camera at the girls. Charming!

T wants you to know there is a "izzard!!!!" on the wall!

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