Saturday, January 19, 2013

Buttermilk Girl and Super Monkey!

I just sat down intending to do a few posts from the holidays when I realized that I had already uploaded Halloween photos and written half a post and then, apparently, totally forgotten about it.  Thus, in the interest of proper chronology, I present Halloween 2012 (only 2 and a half months late!)

So, K likes to dress up.  A lot.  Most of the time she is a princess of some assortment or another.  But every now and then she dons this ensemble and is (drumroll please...) Buttermilk Girl!  Yes, you read that right, not Butterfly Girl.  Butter MILK Girl.  All we can think is she really like my buttermilk pie and that is where the name comes from.  We don't really know.  The minds of 4-year olds are mysterious.

But this is one of my favorite K personas, especially as it seems to have a very elaborate back story, for instance she is a rescue girl, who rescues people, and her powers are in her cheeks.

I was very excited when K went on to announce that she wanted to be a superhero for Halloween as I was anticipating her insisting on being a princess of some sort.  As soon as she said superhero I used me internet superpowers and ordered her a super cute costume.  Ta Da!  Super K!

Poor second child T of course got the choice of K's old costumes so it was monkey or elephant for her. She went with monkey and was very excited and wore the costume all around the house the day before the Halloween event.  Day of was, of course, a slightly different story and once she saw K's superhero costume she wanted nothing to do with the monkey.  Many tears, much foot stomping, and some naked fleeing later, we reached a compromise and she was supermonkey!  Amazing the difference a shiny pink cape can make.

Both girls enjoyed the festivities though I was quite disappointed in their lack of focus on the trick or treating aspect.  They kept getting distracted by silly things like games and playing while there was perfectly good candy out there just waiting to be collected and brought to ME!  We are going to have to work on that for next year for sure!

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