Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Update with Photos

Lots of exciting stuff this past week or so. K started playshool at the American International School (AIS). She goes 5 days a week from the very early hour of 7:25 til noon. The classroom is nice and large with lots of different stations with tons of toys, including some baby dolls, which she immediately found. They also have a very nice outdoor play area. I think she likes it, especially the opportunity to play with lots of other kids. We are still working out the finer points of drop off and pick up having only one car, but we haven't managed to forget to get her yet so we are doing ok.

We finally figured out a plan for our backyard and made our gardener dig up three giant flower beds so one quadrant of the backyard will be just a big grassy open area, allowing me to see the whole space and passively supervise play from a nice comfy yard chair. When our big shipment of stuff gets here we intend to use the wood from the crates to have a playhouse constructed, and we also need to look into getting some sort of jungle gym. But the yard is starting to get into shape and be useful for our needs.

Chris participated in the big move to the new Embassy this week, or, as I like to call it, either Fortress America or The Shining City on the Hill. It is a very large, very new building, literally on a hill, outside of town away from all the other embassies so it is conspicuous to say the least. More importantly for us, it is a lot closer to both our house and the school making our commute that much easier.

I have a strong lead on an interesting job and hope to be able to officially share that good news by this time next week.

Without further ado, what most of ya'll are really here to see:

A rare photo of a smiling T. In reality she is a very happy baby, she just objects to smiling for the camera most of the time.

K talking to her friend, Mr. Flatty, a large African flat spider that lives in one of our unused guest bedrooms. We promise to evict him before we have visitors!

T in her more usual stoic attitude.

K "helping" with the gardening.

K surveying her domain. The big patches of dirt with little spots of grass are the areas where we had our gardener rip out some planted beds in favor of grass. This will make half of the backyard into a big, grassy play area which I can easily, and passively, supervise from the patio.

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