Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thank you, Amazon!

This will be an occasional recurring feature intended to showcase some of the fun, useful, interesting, or random items that the wonderful Amazon fairy brings to us.

Today I would like to sing the praises of two wonderful Bodum products: the Bodum Chambord Coffee Press and the Bodum Bistro Double-Wall Insulated Class Cafe Latte Mug.

The Press is easy to use and makes just the right amount off coffee for the two of us in the morning. I also think it is quite tasty, and vastly superior to the quality of coffee produced by the scary coffee maker that came with our welcome kit.

The mugs, however, are the real star. The are the perfect size for a really big morning cup of coffee. The are quite pleasing to the eye, and lovely to hold. Because they are double-walled glass they are insulated, both keeping the coffee hot, and the outside of the mug at a comfortable holding temperature. They are also dishwasher and microwave safe.

As some of you may know, I am quite particular about my coffee mugs. Almost to the point of being fetishistic, really. This obsession is best illustrated by an anecdote from my first summer after college, when I was still living in Hanover, and running my Home for Wayward Fulbrighters. One morning, about halfway through the summer, I groggily wandered out of my bedroom only to find C using my coffee mug. The one giant, green glazed terra cotta mug I had used every single day throughout the summer for my morning coffee. Not only am I obsessive about my coffee mugs I am also, how shall I say, not the sunniest person in the morning prior to having my coffee in its appointed mug. X, who was also availing herself of the many splendors of the Home for Wayward Fulbrighters, immediately registered the look of horror on my face and realized what had transpired. C remained blissfully unaware. And, surprisingly, I managed to remain calm and remember that nobody particularly enjoys crazy, especially not first thing in the morning, and I had my coffee in an undoubtedly inferior alternative mug and still managed to survive.

The point being, that I heartily endorse this coffee mug and that endorsement comes from someone not easily impressed by mugs.

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