Sunday, February 27, 2011
It's Sunday Already
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Bitten By The Pink Bug
Unfortunately, K did not get the above memo. I don't know if it is just her age, or if it is playschool, or a few of the little girls she has playdates with but suddenly EVERYTHING must be pink! I can no longer count the number of fits we have had in the morning because she wants to wear her pink pants. Don't get me wrong, I do not care what she wears as long as she is not naked and it is clean,and vaguely weather appropriate. But she only had one pair of pink pants! And I will do lots of things for my kid, but washing her one pair of pink pants every night so she can wear them again the next day just isn't going to happen (and while I am sure my housekeeper would be more than happy to do just that, she only works from 7am to 4pm, so the logistics don't work out). So I caved and bought her more "girly" pants... a set of two shades of pink and one purple. Similarly, she only has a few pink shirts, but they are all she wants to wear.
And, if it isn't pink, then she wants to wear a dress. I really wouldn't mind the dresses in principle, except we are right at the tail end of potty training (so, so close...) and while she is getting pretty good at it, being able to navigate properly lifting up and holding up a dress without um, er, lets say issues is still a bit beyond her grasp.
The one and only upside to all of this is that she now wants me to do her hair in the morning so I am no longer fighting with her to make sure it is out of her eyes. Granted, she is equally dictatorial in this arena, insisting on picking out the color of the hair ties herself and she is currently adamant that she must have TWO with ALL HER HAIR (translation, all of her hair up and in two pigtails).
She hasn't actually started discussing princesses yet. And to date she has never watched a Disney princess movie. We just don't own them, preferring Fraggle Rock (the complete series generously gifted by my brother), some Yo Gabba Gabba and a few animated movies like Up, The Jungle Book, Robin Hood and Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH (ok, she is still too young for that one). But she probably will so and that will make me sad.
Saddest of all to me, she now eschews her "socks that roar" (her dinosaur socks that she really did used to love and ask for all the time). I LIKED socks that roar. I don't know what to do with my pretty pink princess :(.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Happy Sunday
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Sunday Photos (Belated)
Monday, February 7, 2011
From the Mouths of Babes
We are rapidly being schooled in just what keen little observers, and shrewd negotiators, toddlers are.
K, who is quick to tell anyone who will listen, that she is “two half” is *this close* to being potty trained, so we have really been hyping up that she is a big girl and all the things that big girls get to do, and that this is why she should go potty in the potty. The upside is, the potty training seems to really be clicking. The downside is she may have embraced this “big girl” thing a bit more than we anticipated.
Now I also hear, usually from another room, “I a big girl so I can pick up Teddie.” Nooooooooo!
Or, “NO! You can’t pick me up, I a big girl!”
Or, in response to offers of assistance getting dressed or putting on shoes: “NOOOOOO! MYSELF!!!!! Cause I a big girl!” There have been a lot of absurd outfits, backwards pants, inside out shirts, shoes on the wrong feet of late.
“I a big girl so I go swimming by myself.” Ummm, absolutely not!
More adorably, we get, “when I bigger, I cook dinner for momma and daddy.”
We are also becoming hyper aware that she is watching our every move and listening intently to what we say. This sometimes has very cute results, particularly in how she treats her baby dolls. She has one particularly favored baby, oh so creatively named “big baby” who she totes around. She will feed baby, pulling down the top of her shirt to mimic me breastfeeding Teddie. She also walks around soothing her baby, saying “shh shh shh” and bounces her up and down as she has seen me do with Teddie. Cute!
Then there is the dark side. Apparently, sometimes brown bunny hits baby and has to go to time out and this comes with very stern, sharp reprimands from K. This always makes me wince, because that must be what we sound like to her when she is in trouble. Similarly, occasionally at the dinner table she will start just babbling nonsensically, and loudly. When questioned, she informed us that is what momma and daddy sound like when they talk at dinner.
And in the funniest, and most disturbing example to date, Sunday morning we were watching a little bit of UFC (don’t ask. If you ever have to live with only watching what Armed Forces Network has to offer you to might find yourself watching a little UFC to break the monotony). She jumped up on an ottoman and started yelling, “get him! Get him! Get him!” Ummmmm… that would be my fault. While I have managed to stop using obscenities when yelling at the TV during football games, I am still prone to becoming a bit, shall we say, over exuberant and apparently someone has been watching me. How exactly this transferred to Ultimate Fighting, I don’t even want to know, but it did. Time to start really watching what we say around her and really limiting her TV time as apparently even sports aren’t quite as innocuous as I had convinced myself they were.
On the more manipulative side, now whenever she is in trouble for something she puts on her biggest saddest brown eyes in her most earnest face and asks “you happy momma?” And if I explain that no, I am not happy because she just did x, y or z and I would like her to not do that thing, then the eyes get even bigger and she says “ok, I be better momma.” Arghhh!
She has also taken to negotiating. “Ummm, I do that in 2 minutes,” or “tomorrow” or frequently “Saturday.” For example, we were informed last night that we could only get kisses and hugs from her “on Saturday” and only when she is going to bed. Way harsh! Or she will try to negotiate on behavioral changes. She was eating her yogurt with her spoon upside down and making a mess so I asked her to turn her spoon over and use it correctly. "Ummm, maybe after my nap I will turn over my spoon." There is also much angling for treats. For instance, “If I wake up from my nap, I get a tootsie roll?” or “If I put my shoes on, I get tootsie roll?” said with the greatest hope and anticipation. Uhhh… no. No, because you do those things because you are supposed to do them not for treats. And also no, because your pants are on backwards AND inside out, you are wearing a headband as a tiara with your hair every which way, and you have on upside down sunglasses and quite frankly, I just cannot even begin to take you seriously when you look like that. Sorry. Terrorists and toddlers; it is best not to negotiate with either.
On that note, here are this weekend’s photos, a day late. What can I say, it was really pretty yesterday and I didn’t feel like sitting at the computer waiting for things to upload.
Friday, February 4, 2011
The (Not So) Mundane Minutia of Daily Life
This started out yesterday afternoon as a post about how it had been an uneventful week I thought I would take this opportunity to comment on some of the more mundane aspects of our African existence. I should have known better than to say something so silly!
Things had been relatively uneventful, with K enjoying school and finally having consistently great drop-offs every morning, and lovely pick-ups in which she would tell us that going to school makes her “so very happy.” Our new nanny was getting settled in and she and T were getting acquainted. Things appeared to be running smoothly.
Until 9:30 last night when I went to rinse out my wine glass before going to bed and realized that we had… no water. Our water is city water, but for it to actually reach the house our borehole pump has to be functioning. It had gone out once before, but that was in conjunction with our hot water heater also going out and we were able to look in the fuse box and see that, oh, our water pump is also shorted out. This time I looked in the fuse box and all of the fuses were happily lined up as if nothing was wrong. Lying, lying fuses!!!
A brief interlude to further explain the water situation. The water here is tested frequently and is consistently found safe, but since the city water pipes, pumps etc. are not the most modern, and since the city does not treat the water with anything, and since during the rainy season there can be strange runoff and other potential problems, we are strongly urged to only drink and cook with distilled water as a precaution. We bathe in tap water, do dishes in tap water, and even brush our teeth with tap water, but for drinking or cooking we use distilled. As such, we have a nice big water distiller in the house that stays full.
So when the water went out last night it was highly annoying but not really a crisis. I knew that we would have enough water to get up, have coffee, get K to school and make it until the electrician got here. I might not get a shower, but we weren’t going to be thirsty.
But we aren’t the only people living on this here compound and using the water! Our guards, the two very nice men who work in 12 hour shifts keeping us safe, also use the water for drinking and to make their corn meal porridge that they eat every day. And guess what: they don’t have a nice, shiny distiller. My nanny’s family now living in the staff quarters is also totally reliant on our water, and they too do not have the luxury of a distiller. So last night, instead of calling it an early night as I had hoped (oh, did I mention that C was out of town for work? He is, just to add to the fun) I was scurrying around bringing bottled water out to the guard shack and the staff quarters. Only then did the guard inform me that the power had been totally out in the staff quarters for a few hours but our nanny was too polite to come and tell me. Arrgghh! So now those poor people have no water or electricity. Way to go team America!
I place the necessary calls and there are promises that the electrician will be here first thing in the morning. I send a petulant text to C, and there is really nothing else I can do so I decide to call it a night. I go to get ready for bed and WTF!!! What is that creepy crawly critter scurrying around my bathroom?! Some giant 2-inch long prehistoric cockroach thingy, of course! Gross!! Totally too big to squish so I chase him around with some bug spray until he finally succumbs. Now I have a headache, so I wander into one of our other bathrooms in search of ibuprofen and what do I discover but buggy #1’s brother making himself at home in there. You have got to be kidding me! I have seen my fair share of assorted buggys since our arrival, but these guys are new, and of course they had to show up tonight.
On a side note, it is quite possible that these brontosaurus bugs are, in fact, not new but that C has been aware of them for weeks. Something similar happened when we were living in Minneapolis. I woke up one morning and walked into the bathroom to discover a mouse happily going about his business. I expressed the appropriate amount of shock and dismay, to which C responded, “oh, that guy? I saw him a few weeks ago but I didn’t want to tell you and upset you.” Which would be all well and good, but he also didn’t do anything to remedy the problem, like go out and buy an absurd number and variety of traps, which was my solution. Similarly, I am left to wonder if C is well aware of these monstrosities, but has failed to either mention them to me, or to rain down appropriate shock and awe warfare upon them (watch out buggys, it is coming later today, hahahaha!).
Back on topic. I was totally creeped out by the critter visitors so it was nearly impossible to get to sleep as I imagined all sorts of nasty visitors slinking in under the mosquito netting. I finally start to drift off, and T, who has been consistently either sleeping through the night, or only waking up once, wakes up for what will eventually be the first of three night time wake ups. And, to add insult to injury, K also decided to wake up at 4am. Very sleepy arrghhh!!!
Another side note: I just looked outside to discover my gardener, who knows that the water is out because I just discussed it with him, trying to wash our truck. Doh!
None of this is a crisis, obviously. Everyone is healthy and happy and well (other than me being quite tired today) but it is frustrating because it would be nice if things like water would just work. And sometimes they don’t. And I know it isn’t going to get permanently fixed today. Whatever underlying electrical issue is causing these problems will still be there [updatred to include the photo below of the temporary “fix”]. Indeed, they may, or may not, actually make it worse. And, since Friday’s are a half-day I am going to have to call and harass them all morning to make sure they get out here before knocking off work at noon [it took 6 additional phone calls]. And it would be nice if there weren’t giant bugs in my bathrooms, but sometimes there are and it just means I need to stock up on bug spray.
But, it is a beautiful, warm, sunny day, and C gets home this afternoon and hopefully the weekend will be fun and I will have something less irritating and more fun to report soon.