Saturday, February 19, 2011

Happy Sunday

We are enjoying our first full weekend with all of our stuff unpacked and it is glorious! Everything arrived last Friday, which was a special treat because it was almost a month earlier than we had anticipated. It was also perfect timing because while I started work this week, I only went in for half days on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday so I had plenty of time to get things put away and organized. I really did not need that much time during the week because we had almost everything done over the weekend.

The state of our possessions as we unpacked left us scratching our heads a few times. For instance, a big plastic tub we use for either holding K's toys or keeping adult beverages on ice and ready to serve at parties was carefully wrapped in bubble wrap. Ummm, ok... But our mattresses were not wrapped up at all and our two really good pieces of art were similarly left naked. WTF? Luckily, with the exception of the one glass and one plate I mentioned before everything arrived in good condition. Note to self, be prepared to more closely supervise the movers upon departure.

I have never been so excited in my life to see a cast iron skillet! I really shouldn't complain, we were equipped with a perfectly adequate welcome kit, including linens and kitchen stuff to carry us through until our stuff arrived, and it really was fine, but wow it had the worst skillet in the history of the universe. Small, thin, prone to sticking and burning. Miserable. It made me dread cooking. But now I have my full set of lovely, well seasoned cast iron skillets again and life is good. I also rejoiced to see my casserole dishes since for some reason no such dish was part of the welcome kit and I was left trying to bake chicken or enchiladas or whatever in a little tiny loaf pan, which really does not work that well. So there was much celebration about once again having a fully supplied kitchen.

We did experience some drama trying to set up our bed. Before we left DC I checked online and confirmed that I could get an electronic version of the directions for assembling our West Elm bed. Yes, I am relatively handy around the house, and I did originally put the thing together all by myself, but that doesn't mean I don't need the instructions to reassemble it again. Well, that would be all well and good if we could actually access the West Elm website, but for some reason (a problem on West Elm's end, NOT on our end) the website would not load. Really West Elm, why do you hate Africa? I finally had to have my dad download the PDF and email it so we could assemble our bed. This did not amuse me. Boo West Elm!

We also assembled T's crib and K's new beds. They both have lovely canopy beds to accommodate the mosquito nets... or, I should more accurately say that the mosquito nets were an excuse to buy lovely canopy beds. Despite having a grand total of 5 bedrooms in the house, K and T's beds are in one room. As you will all see next weekend when I finally do a full pictorial of the interior of the house (we still need to hang art, and then it will be ready for public unveiling) the layout of the house is quirky. The quirks include a really, really long and winding hallway with the result that there is one bedroom right next to the master bedroom, but the next bedroom is like a quarter mile down the hall and around two corners. It seems too far away from us for either of the girls. So they are going to bunk together in one room, which precipitated much furniture rearranging such that for three days last week whenever C came home the bedroom was in a different configuration. He was not amused. But I think we finally found an arrangement that works.

T had never actually slept in a real crib before this week, having spent her whole 4.5 months in a pack n' play so we are slowly getting her used to it with naps and she is still in the pack n' play in our room at night. She is almost sleeping through the night, now consistently waking up only once, around 4:30 or 5am to eat, so we hope that she will stretch that out by another hour or so in the next few weeks and then we can toss her to the wolves... I mean move her in with K :).

Our living room, or great room, or whatever it is called is so large that it currently has two bookshelves, a side table, our faux Eames chair, a couch, coffee table, two arm chairs, and couple more side tables in it AND we still have plenty of space in which to set up and use our beer pong table. Keeping it classy, as always.

Speaking of classy, I am being confronted by a naked toddler which usually means I need to do something about something, so on that note I will wrap things up.

T sleeping in her actual crib, not a pack n' play, for the very first time in her life.

K enjoying her classic Cozy Coupe, courtesy of Moe Moe and Gia. Christmas in February!

K similarly enthusiastic about her new horse from the grandparents. We named him Bucephalus :).

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