Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday Photos (Belated)

Crazy week and crazy weekend so just a few quick notes and photos:

I got a job! I will be on a 6-month contract working to help coordinate preparations for a big conference coming up this summer. It isn't strictly legal work, and it will certainly have its challenges, but it will be great to get out of the house. I work afternoons this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and start up full time next week.

Out big shipment of household effects came. I have never been so happy to see a cast iron skillet in my whole life. And poor little T will soon get to sleep in a real crib, not just a pack n' play for the first time ever. The only casualties were one glass and one plate. Not bad for a slow boat to Africa.

Gratuitous cute baby.

K "helping" with the unpacking process.

K doing her best "Princess and the Pea" impression on the giant pile of twin mattresses that we have piled up waiting to be removed.

This is sort of a "Where's Waldo" photo of our stuff waiting to be unpacked. Can you find the toddler in this photo?

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